It is the 1st of February a slow awakening of the earth into warmer days making new stained glass. For the past few months I have glazed windows and enjoyed teaching.
CPD Award
I have been working at Andrew Taylor’s studio to complete my cpd award, which I won from the Worshipful company of glaziers. Finally, I have completed my report about glass painting, a finishing of this episode and I am planning my events for the year ahead.
I have been asked to exhibit my stained glass work in the National Trust Lacock Abbey woodland gardens, Wiltshire http://beta.nationaltrust.org.uk/lacock-abbey-fox-talbot-museum-and-village/whats-on . This will be the first time I have exhibited in a site of natural beauty. In the exhibition will two older stained glass pieces but merging them within metal frames. There will be new work to be seen for the first time too. Much work still has to be done! This exhibition begins on April 30th.
Cloth Road Arts Workshops (or CRAW) is a open studio event taking place every two years. I like to take part because it is an Art trail that everyone loves. More info will be forthcoming shortly but take note I will be opening my studio at 2A Woolley grange farm studios, Woolley Green BA15 1TY from 1st May till 8th May, please check the exact times of opening. The website will be updated soon with May 2016 information for all. http://www.clothroadartists.com/
I currently have five glass students who are learning about stained glass painting and two others, one making a ceiling lamp and the other who is a beginner in lead work. Check out my courses page for any courses which may interested you and give me a call!
Wishing everyone an abundance of joy and peace for the awakening time on our wonderful fruitful earth.
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